“Do you want to be made well?” He asked. I remember the first time I experienced the pain of rejection in my life. I was thirteen years of age and at the time I had no clear understanding of what it was and what it meant. It had been a few months after my mother had gone to be with the Lord and life was somewhat trying to get back to normal. I was in boarding school and all I could feel was how detached from everything I had become because there had been a deep void left in the…



    Have you ever faced a situation where the road ahead seems impossible to tackle, where the journey seems impossible to complete or where the destination seems impossible to reach? I’ve been here many times in my life. When I thought my 8-year relationship was coming to an end, when I thought I could never get out of the despair I felt I was in, the rut I created for myself and the constant back and forth sinning. When I thought I would never be able to let go of all that hindered me. We’ve heard many times that God is…



    For the longest time I can remember, I have struggled with staying focused. I would like to think I was an incredibly active child growing up who always wanted to be immersed in everything. With the progression of time, however, I would soon realize that I had fostered and nurtured the habit of starting things and not finishing them because of wanting to dip my fingers in everything. I didn’t realize how that would come to haunt me in my adult years, especially in my early adult years, where I found myself unsettled quite a lot, creating nothing but a pattern…



    As children of God, we all have this burning desire within us to stay safe in God’s arms. However, it is easier said than done. We reside in an area of busyness, meaning that our lives revolve around our academics, careers, businesses, and everything that is happening around us. This is an indication of us neglecting our spiritual stamina and personal walk with God. Apart from that, this should signify the reason why it is important to stay under the protection of God. Psalm 91:1 states that he who dwells under the Secret Place of the Most High shall remain…